About the Software Developer & Visionary for Pro-Poupanca

Marcos Junior, a developer in Mozambique built KUSSACA, an Android application that allows farmers to locate Service Providers, Tecnical Assitance, find current produce prices and buyers for their produce. After the conclusion of this application that was funded by A.G.R.A. and facilitaded by A.D.E.M We sort to challenge ourselves with yet another project where technology would intergrate the community. So we created Pro-Academica | Education and offered it to the Ministry of Education in Mozambique for free as a response and our contribution to COVID-19 for Education.

" The great advancements in technology as we see them today, are not automatice or progressively evolve on their own like evolution. No! They are in existence today only as a result of tireless hardwork and dedicated innovative engineers with set visions & goals supported by supporting networks like you. " - Marcos J.D. Junior

If Cash Savings Groups are to evolve to Digitalized Savings Groups in Mozambique with the final goal of inclusion of all specifically WOMEN. Then a Software Engineer better pioneer & start dedicating his time for the sake of this universal goal.

Sectors using apps developed by Marcos Junior & team @ u.m.c. ,E.I.